Wednesday, January 20, 2010


1:30 AM:- 

         The fog was on its extreme that day. And other burden was of police  because of religious riots in haldwani. And we were dying to save our life and career as well. Because our deed had already made this worst 

not only for us but all related to us. Every step of ours now was very careful and reviewed again and again before it took place.

Suddenly a voice came to my ears "Please save me God."-  Nishant shouted at his best and soon he broke down. I could hardly help him because the situation was same not only for me but for the third culprit also Mr. Ajay Verma our teacher for IIT. Please don't get confused us with three idiots because we were bastards. 

I tried a lot to make him calm and to remain cool my self but he was having answer to each of my Consolation and myself was too puzzeled.So we decided to quit to cool him rather planning our next step. We were moving ahead to save our deeds's effects. But the night patrolling team was also a disastrous sitution for us. But we have to move on slowly and carefully. Ajay sir insisted us to take the left turn that was a long cut so we revolted against that decision, but now he became more offensive so we decided to take that long cut. And sooner we realized that was an omen that our worst time has gone at least for that time because sooner we saw the patrolling team was on that way doing their routine duty to ask money from the innocents and not to even look at real and powerful culprits. 
    Why we did this? that question was intruding my insight again again. At 2:15 after 45 minutes run we had just reached to our destiny that PNB ATM. Now that was real showtime we have to confess all our deeds infront of a still web cam. 
     Hey how can be you guys so stupid you don't have any idea what will be the consequences of it.. how would you dare to commit this yar. this is crap man: Namit scolded us very bluntly.
You just tell me does this really has worth of your career? because after this you're suerlly  gonna  lose your career. Vinod sir dictated our fate.
And you know now a days ATM's do have webcam for security purpose it must have recorded all your feats. They might have seen it also because of internet connection to that web cam. You didnt only endangered yourself but to us also you mean guys... you all are ass hole. How would i face my parents now? Vinod sir was loosing his breath in between of making these statements...

To be continued...........

Saturday, January 9, 2010

IDIOTS Academy

       Do what you want to do. Be what you are best at. Never ever try to follow the dreams of someone else's.
This is not about what i think but what aamir conveyed in the movie 3idiots. He also commented on the grade
marking system in India.Best scene of the movie was when Rancho intruded into Virus's house to propose his
daughter priya while he was drunk and he asked very innocently that he used to see a dream in which priya is
coming towards her on a scooter and when she tried to kiss him the bloody nose come between them.
     When i watched the movie in he first half of the movie i was trying to match it with "five point someone"
but i failed.  Sooner i realized that the person i am watching is none other than but elder ishan from Tarre zameen par.
Now here he is just trying to catch his dreams in a better direction with better perfection and with a slogan
 " follow the excellence, success will itself follow you"
      If life is a puzzle of math’s i must say Rancho is Aryabhatt. In this movie he was trying to poke his nose
each and every body's business. But Very few persons on the earth are born with such excellence.
  You should go and watch the movie for the very raw terminologies of engineering and other
professional colleges life, for the very basic masti and hangama, all exam's one night fight preparations,
 and for connecting yourself to that moment. When life seems to be smaller then final year projects and
most surprisingly friends become more important then any other thing. When its about friends nothing

else matters.... Wish you all a very happy new year    May god  bless all of us... And finally Aaal izzz Welllll............